Monday, April 22, 2013

Cultural Revolution of China

By Angel Xiao
I interview my aunt then write down this story. This story is about my aunt when she was 15 years old in the Cultural Revolution.
            The cultural Revolution start in May 1966 to October 1976 in China by Mao Zedong error mobilize and leadership, the use of the Lin Biao and Jiang Qing counter – revolutionary clique, political movements brought serious disaster to the Chinese nation.
 My aunt said the Cultural Revolution affect her life. During the Cultural Revolution, my aunt lived in the school. She said, they cannot leave school, they in the school learned about the dictator Mao Zedong. Everybody had a small red book, the red book about Dictator Mao Zedong said. So, the red book was very important. For example, when my aunt went to barbershop, she should recite the red book, then she can have a haircut, if she not recites, she cannot have a haircut.
In the year 1968, my aunt went to a concentration camp. All people lived in there; my aunt job was help show film, so she can leave the concentration camp. People in concentration camp will wrote essay about Mao Zedong was a good leader. One day, my aunt’s friend, her money fall in the sewage. She very fast take the money, but the money very dirty, so she use water wish her money but someone saw that and told the police, the police arrest my aunt’s friend, the police ask her: “do you think the chairman Mao is dirty?” the money had the chairman Mao’s portrait, my aunt’s friend wish the money, so the police arrest her. She thinks she will die, so she let my aunt help her buy egg white bread that is a kind of cookie, my aunt can left the concentration camp, so she helps her friend. After two days, my aunt’s friend dead.
My aunt thinks the Cultural Revolution was so boring because my aunt though why Chinese would fight Chinese, that’s so boring. My aunt said the Cultural Revolution affect china education because during the Cultural Revolution, the students in school, they all learn about Chairman Mao, they didn’t learn other subjects. The Cultural Revolution also affects Chinese cultured relics because during the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao didn’t want people believe the god .he let police burn all about god things. The police broke into people’s houses, smashed a lot of valuables and relics!
When the Cultural Revolution end, people didn’t have a good relationship of between each other because during the Cultural Revolution, if people talked about chairman Mao or  something that he did wrong, the police will arrest them or killed them. So, in the concentration camp, my aunt and her friend used paper to write what they want to say. They didn’t talk. Even though the Cultural Revolution end, people also very is careful. So people didn’t have good relationship between each other.
The Cultural Revolution change people’s life. Also change China. This is about my aunt during the Cultural Revolution’s story.

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