Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Crazy Little Thing Called First Love

By: Rexanne Biserra

Time can make our feelings fade away, but the memories can never be banished and they will stay in our hearts and minds. Having a first love is such a meaningful thing in this world. But we can’t predict if this will last forever or if it will just leave you in pain.
One of my friends shared her experience about her first love. Her name is Frances, a very intelligent and a lovely person. When Frances met this guy, everything changed. She felt this guy is the one. Their story begins in the Philippines. Frances had known Jonaz since she was in the 5th grade but they did not completely know each other as well. Her first impression of Jonaz was a very good looking guy and a great personality. Jonaz is a great guitar player and a good singer too. They became friends when David who is Frances’ close friend and always brought Jonaz to their hang-outs, so Frances and Jonaz got to know each other and became friends. When they became friends, they often called each other “IDOL” whenever they see each other in school or in text. They made this endearment as a sign of friendship.
Then one day, Frances just realized that she was slightly falling in love with Jonaz. She didn’t expect that she would have special feelings for him. Every time Frances saw Jonaz, she could feel butterflies in her stomach, especially when they were talking.
After a long time of being friends, Jonas finally confessed his feelings for Frances and started courting her. Frances was very happy because the guy that she had crushed on liked her too. Jonaz put in a lot of effort to court Frances. But an unexpected event happened and it felt different for them; Frances had to leave the Philippines to immigrate to the United States. At first, Jonaz didn´t know anything about Frances´ immigration, but when he finally did had second thoughts if he will still continue to court Frances. Jonaz did continue but it was less effort. On November 12, 2012 Frances finally said her precious answer to Jonaz and it was a yes. Both of them are very happy about their relationship more than we could ever know.
After a month of waiting, Frances has to leave the Philippines and travel to the United States. The day before Frances flight, Jonaz took her out and didn´t waste the opportunity to be with her at the last 24 hours of Frances stay in the Philippines. For Frances it was the memorable day for the both of them because what happen was Jonaz stayed with her for the whole day and never think about leaving her. On their date, they went to different places and the best part was at the school. Frances and Jonaz went there and only the students were not there, only the staff and the guards were there. They both sat on the stairs and when Frances looked at Jonaz he was crying. This was the first time that she saw a guy crying in front of her. Jonaz wipe his tears and blurted out these words, “why can´t Thursday last forever? This day is almost perfect if it will stay longer…I love you, remember my promise to you. My life is yours already…Maybe this is not the right time for us but someday it will work out. Forgive me if I might do something wrong.” Frances was very speechless after hearing those touching words. It was getting late and Frances need to be home, so Jonaz ask her if he could take her home, but Frances insisted. Jonaz was ok with it and just drop Frances into the deep station. Before Frances get in to the jeepney, Jonaz spoke and said “I love you and I´m going to miss you take care of yourself and don´t forget me. And the day was over…
Time flies so fast; Frances left the Philippines and resides here in United States. She lives in San Francisco right now. Frances was very happy because she finally saw her family but even though she felt gladness there is something that makes her incomplete. Frances misses Jonaz so much and they are in a long distance relationship. It was very hard for the both of them because the time zone is different and one of them and one of them always needs to wait. Even though it was hard for them, they avoid conflicts so it can´t ruin their relationship. On their first month of being a couple, they send message to each other greeting and sharing joys on that day. Every day it feels different from not seeing each other and they barely talk. Then one day, there was a small problem when Frances got a little frustrated to Jonaz for some reason and Jonaz was very confused why she acts like that. They talked very seriously about it and if we are expecting that they will be ok, it was an opposite thought. Things get complicated and Jonaz told Frances that he doesn´t know what is this anymore.  They felt that they can´t handle a long distance relationship anymore. They ended breaking up and it wasn´t clear enough. Frances didn´t expect to be like this, her heart was broke and she felt very sad. But this is not the end yet, their love will stay in their hearts and won´t forget each other. Maybe someday if they see each other again they can be back from what they are used to be and become lovers again.
Every one of us living in this place called world ask for a true love. We can’t predict when or who will be the right person for us. Love is patient and kind; we don’t have to rush to get the love that we want. Distance never really separate two hearts that love each other, it is to the person if they will give up or not.

1 comment:

  1. really sweet the first love is something that you can't forget no matter what :)
