Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Traveling to the past

By Daniela Lara

               Have you ever wondered how some adults lives were when they were children?
What they liked to do to have fun?

My mom Dolores is a strong and amazing woman who protects her family, a strong and always gives all of herself for her family.

I did some questions to my mom about that. She told me some stories. Here they are:

Once, when she was about 9 years old, she went to give food to her uncle to his work. She went with her cousin Dioni. They were talking and when they arrived they were calling him a lot of times but he didn’t answer. They were hungry. – Can you imagine what happened? - They ate the food. When he arrived there wasn’t any food left. He just smiled and said “I think it was my fault, I didn’t answer”

    Life wasn’t always that easy, for that time there was a civil war in the El Salvador and how can you imagine a civil war is so hard. A regular day in school the students were learning in the class room the teacher Maria Elena, people respected her, every one said that she was mind but, she’s only a person with a special personality. The students were at the class room and the students heard someone shooting. All the students were very afraid they started screaming. After that the shots continued from everywhere. Some kids in the middle of a war, they knew what to do, they went out of the classrooms and went home save.

Even when things were that hard, people just how to live with it.

    I think people will never forget those times, even if they want to do it. But there are good memories too, sometimes funnies. Who can forget the uncle, and his stories. He knew a lot of stories,  about life, the time when a man went to the hell; he used to tell a lot stories to my mother, her cousins and sisters and after to me. All the family will never forget him, and the and times, cause that made them what they are, strong people, who fight for what they want, a united family that we have.
               All the memories that make them travel to the past.

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