Sunday, April 21, 2013

Far Away Love

By Kelly Ou

Where there is great love, there are always miracles. Between China and the United States there is a beautiful love. Does time, distance affect their love? Can their love last forever? Nobody knows that, not even me! But I will try to answer these questions.

In the beautiful love, the characters are Li and Alice. I interviewed Li about their love. They both from China, but 1 year ago, Alice immigrated to the United States. Then they love each other and still now. He met her in middle school; in the first time, he thought she talked litter, never heard one bad word from her. And when she smiles, it’s like snowing, she has the purest white of teeth. So, he said he loves her smiles very much. I know that is like a sentence say: “love is blind, in love, and anything are beautiful.”

In love there are different types. They are love developed with time; he doesn’t believe falling in love at first sight. He thinks love is ‘never abandon and leave’. And he thinks when a boy meets a girl who merits loving and to expend, even have a distance, like her. But he thinks they almost can be together. He loves her more than her, he cannot be without her, and he just wants a plain boiled water of love.

Alice is his most important person in his life. Li meets her on the computer every day, he feels happy and wants to hug with her. He doesn’t like to hide anything for her; he doesn’t want one more lies between of them. He said that he remember an interesting was happened in the middle school, she was taller than him; but now, they are switch, he feels so happy about that. Even though, they cannot hand in hand with each other, but he didn’t complain about that. He tells himself they are like a husband and a wife. They are work on different place, but they both work for their future. Because he knows that they can hand in hand someday and can be hug with her. Even though between them have the Pacific Ocean, he never thinks about broke up with her and said that broke up are impossible forever! And he didn’t worry about another lover of her, he Is trust in her. And he said that if she has another lover, he will respect what she picks. So, because of her, he spend less time in the computer games, he wants to has a lot of time with her. In the future, he will work hard to get more money to buy a car for her, and he will be an exclusive driver for her to tour with her, and give her a warm house.      

Everything is not a problem for love. Li doesn’t worry about the time and distance. He think these questions are not a matter, the main points is on how to understand each other, the reason is that understand can help them to know what they want and feeling. And I had to talked about time with him, anything can change over time, but he just tell me that they are love develops with time; they will love each other more and more over time. They will help each other to face the any problem together, and they will use the trust, unremitting and wholehearted to keep their love. I think they can do it, the positive energy of love can support them, and this is the power of the great power of love!

Forever? What is forever? He doesn’t believe in forever, he just is sure that insist is forever. And he thinks the forever is around of him, as long as to insist to love, the “Forever” is less than 1 cm forever. Li wants buy a ring for Alice, make her to be his wife, he thinks they will have a happiness life in future. I agree with him because of my eyes, I believe what I see. I know that they are so sweet, I saw them talked with phone and computer, and they are look so happy. But I know in somewhere of their heart have a place has a lonely, and the love and lonely are fighting at their heart. It is like the love is a angel, the lonely is a demon. Angel is a person who persuades him to insist, but the demon told him to give up their feelings. But I know “love” is a winner, I want to witness the miracle belongs to them in the future.
There are many kinds of love, it can be between relatives, friends, lovers, but they both are beautiful, great and powerful, love can makes us stronger. I believe that no one can change the love, only you can destroy your feelings, anything are control by yourself. Love doesn’t have to be together every day, as long as the heart has a space for each other. And I remember a sentence of a song say “You are always on my mind, in my dream and in my heart.” Love is not to hang around all day, is to use action to prove. I think love is the positive energy, love are support them to solve the problems. The people who falling in love, love is all the things, So I just want to say “All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill” for the lovers!         


  1. wow~interesting love story,i like that!

  2. I hope they can together foever

  3. The is good story. It lets me know that the power of love is strong. Distant can not separate it. by Gary Yu
