Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tiananmen Square

             I interviewed my mom, she talked about something important in china called

Tiananmen Square my mom is 42 years old.

            Tiananmen Square started by May 4th 1989. A lot of students started this thing

because in china a man called Hu yao bang worked with government

maybe he didn’t like the leader so the government killed him. Many students felt mad,

so they go to the government outside to protest. Almost 3000~4000

People protested the government tells them to leave. If you don’t leave we will used the

violence but the student them don’t want to leave so the government

Used gun to shout the student also they use the stick too , to beat the student so many

student dead. OH MY GOD it is crazy !!

            One important people the name call Li Wang yang. he didn’t like the

government too and disagree the government idea and do it thing. so the

Government took him in the prison . he live in prison almost 22 year in May 22th 2012

the new said Li Wang yang he dead in the prison for the suicide

but the people said he by the government. Affect tianmen square and Li Wang yang

thing the china government they said they didn’t do it. Just the people kidding .