Monday, April 22, 2013

Long-Distance Love

By Jin Rong Huang

                Everyone must have a question:” what is love?” In my opinion, love is a person very care about another person. Give that person all of things you have. Your heart will always be another person’s. “My heart is, and always will be, yours.” This quote is from book, Sense and Sensibility. It describes the person who is in love. Love experience can make people’s lives fill with joys, happiness and surprises. “Talking to the moon, try to get to you.” These are the lyrics of talking to the moon. This song perfectly describes the meaning of love, but also, there are still lots of different views from other people, here is a “Chinese Romeo’s story.”

                My friend’s name is JJ. He had a funny love starter. When he first met his girlfriend, Hua,”Did you eat your breakfast?” he asked. These are the first words of their love story, as the love started. Did you ever see the movie, Titanic? JJ and Hua were like Rose and Jack who are the characters of Titanic. They fell in love at first sight, and also their first movie they saw together was Titanic. It is a very romantic movie. When they saw this movie, they were exited. They imagined themselves as the jack and rose for each part of scene. As they watched the movie, JJ had a desire to hold Hua’s hand. After a few seconds he dare to hold her hands, but Hua didn’t realized that JJ hold her hand as she was focusing on the movie, for the reason that it was very interesting.  After movie finished, they were still on their image, and then JJ did romantic kiss Hua. That scene was very sweet.

                They did the same things as common lovers did. For example: date, go shopping, go to beach, etc. JJ remembers his special first date. Even if you think his date was one of his most important days to commemorate. Through the first date is special, but every date has different feelings. One thing they did change is they love each other more and more. The person who is not in love, he might wonder 2 people stay together and do the same things as normal people do, why they feel happy? JJ had this question, too. Until he met Hua, now he gets the answer: when 2 people love each other, be with him or her is happiness, even though just 1 second. Every second is important to lovers. They cherish the time they were together. Also JJ wants to create more memories with Hua. He wants to go to ocean with Hua, then have a good Titanic’ picture as Jack and Rose do when they at ship’s bow. He also wants to ice skate with her and holds her hands, skate together. They want to sit in the middle of lake and tell each other everything that another person wants to know.

                One day, Hua met a very big problem: she. As we know, in China, we need to stay in school for the whole semester, even is sleeping. They live in dormitory. JJ did not see Hua at school. He went to ask the neighbor of Hua. She said:” Hua went outside of the school, I did not know where she going?” JJ called Hua’s cellphone. And know she was in the hospital. He fled from school and went to hospital to take care of Hua. He met Hua’s father, but he very worried about Hua, he told her father that they are lovers, now I couldn’t talk with you, we could choose another time to community. He walked across her father and finally he saw Hua.  “What a pale face is this! Are you Ok, Hua. Did you feel comfortable now?” They had very long conversation. JJ did this day by day. And took care of Hua from his class over until 10 p.m. Her father saw all of these processes; he agreed Hua and JJ together because of JJ’s care. After he went back to school, the teacher got mad at him because he was late.

                Then a very big problem happened. JJ knew that he need to immigrate to United States from his mother. JJ did not tell Hua this. He wanted to have a good break with Hua until he went to United State. He seem this time as his most important time, he did everything that he could do with Hua. Leaving day was coming. JJ told this privacy to Hua, suddenly Hua embraced JJ and didn’t let him go. This embrace kept a long time until JJ’s mom called him. He promised that he would be back; he will not discontinue contact with Hua. Finally, they separated.

                But the story did not end. After he arrived at United States. He never discontinues the contact with Hua every day. Everyday is not very easy like we say. You know, sometimes you were tired or some bad things happened, you would what you doing, and relax. But JJ did not. He keeps doing this for these seven months. Every day he called Hua, to let her wake up, after her school done, he called again, and last call is when she prepares to sleep.

                Their love story do not stop even one second, they misses each other every second. Love is a n energy to support them to wait the day they meet each other again. They already thought their future, when JJ goes back to China, what they do and where they go. As Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie said, time is the longest distance between two places. It is a test for them; time is a most difficulty test for the lovers. If you overcome it, it may prove that your love is real. I trust them can do it as they trust each other, let’s hope they will be together one day. Let’s expect that day coming!  


  1. awwwwww ternurita!

  2. WOOOOOO,so romantic.........

  3. such a good story. I hope JJ and his grirlfriend would be happy forever after........

  4. He is a good boyfriend.
