Friday, April 26, 2013

My Brother's Childhood Memories

      By Newaz   

           I interviewed Babar, my brother.  Babar is 19 years old and he is from Bangladesh. When Babar was a child, his favorite person was his mother, because he loved his mother so much. He started to say ‘’Mama’’ when he was 1 years old before he could say ‘’Pappa’’.         
          One of the funniest memories that I have of Babar is when he was 6 or 7 years old, he went swimming in a pond with his friends. The pond was full of fish and one of them bit his lag and he lough because it tickled. This was the first time a fish ever bit him. 
         Babar has so many sad memories. But one of sad memory of him is when he was 7 or 8 years old and in primary school he had an exam in English, but he didn’t get first place in this exam. The memory was sad because that was the first time when he couldn’t be first. ’’When he said that story I felt sad too, for him’’.
        Babar also has a scary memory. Everyday Babar used to play with the trees. Every day he claimed trees, he felt good because once that he was on the top of a tree he felt like a king. He felt like a king because when he on the top of the trees he could see his entire kingdom. But, something there happening bad and it’s when he was 9 years old he claimed a tree and then he tried to go up. Suddenly the branches broke and he fell down, and also he broke his leg. “Really it was a scary memory’’. It was so scary because he broke his leg and he couldn’t walk for 4 months.
        Babar was a good student; in 2001 he had a final exam in the primary school and this exam 10 student got A+. Babar was one of them. Also he was a good boy too, he never gets angry with anybody and he talked with people respectfully, the all school teachers liked him. But some time Babar is so angry, when he is hungry. His favorite food was fried fish with rice, and also he liked to eat chocolate, biscuits, different kind of fruit etc.
       He had so many favorite games to play like soccer, cricket, hide and seek, run competition etc. His most favorite game was cricket and hides and seeks. Cricket was his favorite because he was an awesome batsman and he liked to play hide and seek with his friends because the game was too much fun for him. ‘’Really now I miss my childhood memories too, because I liked to play hide and seek with my friends ’’.
       At least, Babar likes his childhood memories so much, he miss it so much, he think that childhood memories is always favorite for all person , because there have different kind of memory like sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes good and sometimes bad. He thinks he is growing up so faster. He wants to go back again in his children.

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