Monday, April 22, 2013

Every Grain Comes From Hard Work

  By Ivy Kuang Guan 
  If you want to be strongest at work,you should be work hard.No body such thing as a free lunch at work. If you didn't work hard, if you destined to work, and hard it, so do not be lasy at home. Youth as well as cost, time is not too slowly. Some people do not have to work, but that's not you,all want to do, why don't you happy thing to do? But my mom always is a hard worker!
  My character's name is Liza. She is a curious and like the sunshine. In 1990,she moved to start her new life. She felt happy and fortunate to move to Dom.Rep. But she curious with her family also. She said moving to different countries is important because it can give up experience in different places, and you can challenge yourself. Also she said she is proud of immigrating to the U.S.A. She thinks Dom.Rep. was a hard place to life. And having her own business was more difficult than having a job from outside. During the years, she saw many Chinese people crying because they left China, they felt not willing. And she also feel "Do not give up". But she didn't regret it because even though they had experienced lot of tribulations, they feel very full. They felt excited, but something felt dangerous, like robberies. At that time, she was very lucky, because her friends supported them and sponsored them, so they had their own restaurant.
  During that time, she was very busy in her restaurant; which she did by herself, no co-worker help her. After one year, she got pregnant; she was very suprise and happy. In 1933, she got pregnant, because she want a baby, she likes babies, whatever is girl or boy. During the pregnancy, she didn't work in the restaurant, she husband took care her and the restaurant, so busy!
  It was very hard when she was first pregnant. She needed want to have more babies. Because the restaurant was busy. She didn't have time to take care.
  After 5 years, they had the second restaurant. The first was close. Because there has many restaurants near her restaurant. They moved to the other city.
  After 12 years, she came back to China, she was happy but she was surprised that there many things were changed. She will remember all stores forever!

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