Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Frighten Jouney

by Hoang Tran
            After independent in 1975, there were 2 groups who fought for controlling the government. There were Republic and Communism. Then, the republicans lost the battle and the communist started oppressing. It directly led many republicans choosing to leave Vietnam. Then, communist began investing money to rebuild the ruins. They mostly repaired in Saigon where the battle happened. During the new political, they changed the value of money many times. It suffered people’s life and the economic went down very deep. It made people crossed over the border to migrate to better nation. This crisis was also a reason why my family wanted to move.
            Previously, my family was very well-off. Then, the economic was really bad, everything becomes very expensive, life became difficult than ever. Until 1981, my family began asking for crossing. Eventually, somebody was introduced the way to migration to either Canada or the United States. My grandparents had been speculating many times. They finally decided to let 7 members to leave. Even though, they knew that will be hazardous trip.
            Initially in spring 1982 to prepare for this insecure journey, they brought some clothes, money and treasure. Furthermore, the payment for this trip was not cheap at all. After, they paid for those people. They got a piece of paper to show what they need to do and do it safely. The journey began in Vung Tau. It is about 6 hours away from where we lived. At that time, the transportation was inconvenient to take a train. When they got there, it was freezing and the storm is coming. Then, they carefully followed the directions. Because of the storm is coming, it led the trip will be postponement couple days. They need to wait until the storm stops completely to ensure that everything is safe to begin the adventure. They waited in the small cabin and old cabin. Additionally, they must hide in that cabin because it is illegal to cross over the border without any agreement from the government.
            Moreover, it was very crowded to live in that cabin (40 people). Everyone was anxious because the trip had been delaying a day and the storm was keeping stronger and stronger. They got food everyday by a secret person. They lived there for 4 days. After the storm declined, they began their journey at 12.am. Everywhere is so dark that time, the boat owner separated them to 2 groups “Women and Children”-“Men”. Unfortunately, the police were patrol and detected this illegal crossing. They started chasing the owners and some other polices arrested the people. My family members stayed at last, therefore my father immediately swallowed 2 rings and the necklace. It means the trip is over and trouble will keep coming as crazy way.
Moreover, when they were in the prison, they realized that my uncle was chased yesterday and he is in the boat. Everybody felt very worried and hoped that he will be safe on this escape. At that time, he was 15 years old. He shared “I was so scared because I thought I will not survive on that situation”. He was exhausted and incredibly boring because he was living with 4 people who just knew him for couple days. He remembered the freaking happened in the third day. “In that morning, I woke up very early and went to the deck. Then I looked forward to the horizon. I immediately saw a big stone in front of the boat. It was about a hundred feet away from the boat. I was definitely overjoyed because I reckoned that I was very near the land. After that, I told to the leader about the black stone. They moved up and recognized that strange stone was a whale. They knew that whale could break that boat easily by other experiences. Therefore, they slowly changed to another direction. Then, they determined to turn back to Vietnam’s border as well.” He said
            Back to the prison where kept the escapers, they were released after one week there. Basically, the police did not find any evidence to accuse of crossing over illegally. Then, they went back to their home and brought bad news to their home. Everybody was distressing about my uncle. The next day, my uncle came back home, nobody believed that he was still alive in impossible case.
            In conclusion, my uncle married a Vietnamese American lady. Then, he can leave Vietnamese legally in 1989. He helped to take my family came to the United States

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