Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Starting a Family

By: Haifeng Huang
I have an uncle who is very tall. He has short hair black as night. His eyes are big and his skin is yellow. My uncle likes reading books and surfing the internet. Now I am going to describe the story about my uncle starting a family.
My uncle is the first person who came to the US in my family. He came to the US in 1993 when he was 30 years old. My uncle felt strange and excited because he would have a different life when he just came to the US.
Have you ever felt alone when you came to a new place? My uncle wanted someone to be with him at that time because he was alone, he needed someone to support him. And luckily, there was someone who took care of him at that time and she is my aunt now.
My uncle and aunt met in China. They worked together and helped each other. My uncle said that he had a little feeling with my aunt at first sight.my uncle thought my aunt was a beautiful and friendly woman at that time. My uncle remembered the day when he worked with my aunt. At that time, they both worked in a factory so that they can saw each other every day.
My uncle said that he fell in love with my aunt on a specific time. Are you interested in the specific time when my uncle fell in love with my aunt? That was a day when was typhoon. They were trapped in the factory where they worked. They talked about their own life to each other. And my uncle told that he was brave enough, he said he loved her for a long time. And my aunt was moved, she agreed that  she  would be with my uncle, and my uncle succeeded.
My uncle said that the happiest thing for them was doing anything together. And the biggest problem was that they were poor at that time. In order to get married, they had to work very hard so that the life of them was very hard.
My uncle told me that getting married was very exciting for him because they could live together and have a baby. He wanted to have a baby as soon as getting married because they thought babies are a symbol of love.
My uncle did not know what my aunt’s feeling at that time. He thought that maybe she was as excited as him. My uncle thought the strongest memory was when the baby was born. And my uncle said the baby was similar as me when I just born. 

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