Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Never Find

Chavac, Jennifer

     My grandmom’s name is Maria. She lives in Antigua Guatemala .In 1980, when the war began, she was 27 years old. she has currently 7 daughters and 1 son.
But when the war began she only had 5 daughters. Lucas Garcia was president but rios mott overthrew him.

My grandmother thinks that the war began because rich people didn’t wants to help poor people. The university students began to learn about the problem but the students began to learn about the problem but the students is few against the army.
But there were two groups called Army and Guerria, Army defending rich people and guerria defending poor people. The army killed people that is in gerria.
My grandmother says that she tried to find my grandfather but didn’t find him maybe he died or lived but we don’t know.

And now she tries again but he does not no trace, nothing about him she said that some people say that there is a place when many bodies are buried called Well. But his is the only possibility that he is buried but we don’t know.
My grandmother says that his happened like this: my grandfather was sitting down in his home, it was in the night they heard people walking outside and cars, then the army was inside everybody there: my grandmother, grandfather and her daughters.
They didn’t take them only my grandfather. They also took things a little gold, and her money when took my grandfather they said that they would come back.
But he never came back to his family. Then my grandmother changed her location and went to live in another home but she tried and tried to find him.

She worked so hard because she had her daughters. The bad thing is that her family didn’t help her and she didn’t have any help.

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