Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Civil War in El Salvador

By Meybel
I interviewed my grandmother about The Civil War in El Salvador. My grandmother was 35 when the war was starting. By that time she had 7 children and her husband. The war was between Civilian soldiers and soldiers from the guerrilla, she was scared that some of her family member could get hurt or worse, DIE. She had to move to many different places such as, Ereguayquin, Morazan, perquin etc. those places were invaded later on, the soldiers on both sides were out of control fighting and shooting, many innocent people died. My grandmother hid her children under the bed to avoid being shooting when the soldiers were on their battles. One of my aunts got shot and she still has the scar of the bullet on her arm. My grandmother also said that people would make holes, ones people made to hide, others to bury the dead bodies, “it was disgusting and scared” she said. After all that stuff and damages that the war left she went to a place called El Transito (San Miguel) on that little city my aunts and uncles kept growing up and they finished school. Things were kind of better after the war because they did not have to worry about being hurt anymore.


  1. awww that is so cute nena... i love it :)<3

  2. your grandmother where so smart by hiding her children.

  3. It's my first time that I know there were a hard civil war in El Salvador . And you used a lot of excellent verb. But you should tell us when the civil war started and when it was end.

  4. memel.. me guto tu historia :D mi mahe te qiiero un vergo.. mahe vamos a fumar!!

  5. hahaha love you too :D
