Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Far Away

By Gerald Lin

            Today, I interview to my mother. Her name is San San. She is from Burma. I interview about War and Sickness of her father and her father’s family escaped from WWII in Burma. First, her father name is Chu King Ah. Chu was 15 years old, when the war started in his country. Chu was live with his parents, eleven brother and sister, his grandfather and grandmother.
In 1942, the enemy occupied to the Burma. The enemy was Japan. The reason that he and his family had to escape from his country was the place that they lived was the border of China and Burma. As I knew from interviewee Japan occupied the China first, but Japanese were not successful occupied the China. So, the way they back, they occupied the Burma. Another reason that Chu and his whole family, maybe other Burmese people were escaping because it was dangerous and Japanese soldiers were caught all the girls and women then, they killed all men and children by cut their heads. Ok, this is too cruel. Let move it up. So, that’s why Chu and his whole family was decide to escape from icy mountain to China because it’s easier to hide in the mountain and safer in the China. It was difficult to escape from Burma and get to the mountain because they have to hide many places to not let the Japanese to find out that they were escaping.
Then, they have to sneak out with their own power, that time no body were helping each other, except their family. The main reason Chu and his whole family   escaped to China because China was safer than Burma. Also, Chu and his whole family were Chinese. So, they all could speak Chinese to survive in China. On the way they got the big problem. Chu’s father and his grandfather got ill. The name of illness was “Deep Mosquito Mountain”. This illness can let human body have very low temperature and when bacteria get into brain that person will die. The first tragedy started was on the top of the mountain. Chu’s grandfather was dead and second person was his father. His father was dead in bottom of the icy mountain. They both were died by that illness called “Deep Mosquito Mountain”. Then, they got into China and the place they lived was Guangdong, Jiangmen, Taishan. Then, they lived in there about 3 years and Chu was went back first and check if it’s safe to let his whole family came back. This time, Chu used different way to back to the Burma. He used boat because it’s the easy and the fastest way but it’s also very expensive. After, one week Chu sends a letter to his family about Burma was safe to come back. Then, Chu’s family went back to Burma. At last, Chu and his family met at Burma and lived happily again.

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