Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Believing in herself

by Carlos M.

This story is about my mom’s childhood memories, she is from El Salvador, she is Lucy and she is fifty years old. She had a normal childhood, however, when she began to think and leave to be a little girl, she realized that her father had a secret lover and he arrived at home drunk and when he drank too much he got angry and grumpy, therefore, he hit my mom’s mother, as a result my mom felt guilty to cannot do anything about it because at her age she was so powerless to do something, she wanted to notice earlier but, being a little girl she could not have changed anything, as a consequence my mom didn't care about her studies, therefore, her sibling brought a lot of help to overcome this trauma.
My mom gained motivation thanks to her older sister, because this trauma made her feel less than others, but she was growing and realizing that she is better than she thought. As a result of this problem my mom didn't care a lot about her studies, therefore,  she had a normal school years, she has the exactly grades to pass so, she graduate from high school, but now she knows that she could do it better. All the success that my mom has is because of her siblings help her, she was the little girl in the family so, her brothers and sisters knew that they had to do something to she overcame.
This entire problem helps throughout of her whole life and made her nice personality, she became a helpful person, she looks weak, and but that everyone doesn't know is her strengths and how she faced every struggle. She feels proud to have done and overcame this struggle, and having all this things in a memory for her.

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