Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Sacred Job


By Emma Wu
         What do you think about Christianity? It is a kind of religion for many people and countries  believe. And many songs both of there. The priest is a sacred and noble jobs. Let's learn about this mysterious people of priest Mr.Ronnie Kan's life.
         Mr.Ronnie Kan was born in Hong Kong of China. He is 57 years old now. He come to United State of 1986in Chicago. He had a good and funny Childhood and he lived in the era of British rule. The people were free and fair over British control. He misses the life at that time very much. He think the United State is different for Hong Kong, because
their concept of time is different. Chinese working very busy, they need todo many things in the same time, like their workload very high. But Americans not. He think the busy life was better .
       He want to college in Hong Kong. He studied missionary in college. Becoming a priest was his dream. He had some bad things happened to make him believe the God. He said he was a naughty boys. Mr. Ronnie Kan had 3 times of traffic accident on middle school and high school, their were not very serious. He thought life was in God's hands, it not be lucky often this happened. He said Hong Kong had many gang, the minors that easily to join, include him. In his rebellious phase in Middle school, thought that was a kind of fashion and personal loyalty to join a gang. In a time, he wast fought with other gang's people because the business.  He don't why the police arrested them, when his father and mother balled him, they were not blamed him, just told him "The biggest mistake is to know that is wrong will not change." He said he change himself mistake for him parent. 
        He said he had a good family. He was not experienced the war, but he father had. He father was a Red Cross captain during civil war in China. He also studied theology after the war. He though he family was very free because the children can support their dream. He have a sister and two brother. He is youngest. He very love his sister because his sister very love. She also was he piano first teacher. He said the church helped him more because he also met his wife over the church. He have two sons. His family also believe the god. 
        He had two different jobs before the priest. They are new reporter and a boss of entertainment company. He was rich before, but he very love the life like now. It was peaceful and happiness.  



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