Monday, April 22, 2013

SFIHS Family

By Sherman Chen

Our school is smaller than other high schools, so we can meet and talk with different people of our school easier. The students, teachers and staff look like a big family. We talk to each other, are nice to each other and have fun with each other every day.

Ricardo is a man who works in our school every day. He is one of our family members. He isn’t a student, he isn’t a teacher, and he is a custodian of our school.  Because of him, our school kept clean for a long time.

Ricardo is from Mexico. He came to the United States in 1993. At that time, he went to City College and took some training so he could find this job. Before he worked at this school, he also did the same job in downtown. He loves his job, he likes to work with students and work for the company. He worked at SFUSD about 5 years. He works 8 hours every day.

Every day he comes to school; the first thing he does is open the door of the school. Then he turns on the lights. After, he walks to the yard and check everything of the school. Last, he starts his work. The strongest memory about this school is meeting different kinds of students and people.

At first time, he felt this school is different from the school that he knew when he was a kid. He felt excited about that. Right now, he feels good because everybody is friendly. They always play with him and nice to him. They also keep the school clean.

Ricardo likes to work in our school because the students and teachers are good, they are respectful. He feels happy every day. However, he doesn’t like some students waste too many paper towels and threw trash. He thinks they should put the garbage away, spread them and keep the school clean. Ricardo doesn’t have office. From 7a.m to 8a.m, he is in cafeteria. From 10a.m to 2p.m, he walks around the school. From 3p.m to 4p.m, he tries to finish all the works. Ricardo starts his work at 7a.m, and he finish his work at 4p.m. he doesn’t want to change his job because the cleaning tool are enough for him and everything is easy for him even though he is busy every day. He wants to work at this school as long as he cans.

I want to say thanks to him because he keeps our school clean all the time. Ricardo, thank you for your hard work!


  1. nice stories and this make me think this school is pretty good. From: Jerry Qin

  2. i will also keep our shcool clean.

  3. Let's keep our school clean!!!

  4. I pretty thanks Ricardo keep our school clean, your story is awesome!
