Monday, April 22, 2013

The Son of the Artist

The Son of the Artist
By: Rexrian Biserra
This is the story of Rex Zita, who is an artist. Rex is the son of Romarico, his father who is the real artist of his family; Romarico studied Fine Arts. Rex was Self-taught. Self-taught is when nobody helps you to do something you like. Rex didn’t have any trouble teaching himself to draw. The very first drawing that he drew was an ambulance. He was in kindergarten. His teachers always let him draw when some topic needs drawing to show it to his class. His father was very happy and proud that his son drew too, especially when my dad won an award called ´´Artist of the Year´´ when he was in middle school. His father was not expecting that.  
Even though my grandfather passed away, Rex didn’t give up drawing. In high school, Rex won a contest. It was a drawing contest about avoiding drugs. The Judges were his teachers and a senator. Rex won a trophy but he donated it in their school where he studied.
Rex always draws at home while listening to song because he feels comfortable and can focus on his drawing. He made his own business like he accepted people who want to draw for him. Overall, Rex made 30+ paintings. The type of paintings he made are charcoal, oil pastel, watercolor, and acrylic.
Rex practices a lot, sketching every idea if he´s bored or not. Rex feels proud himself and flattered when people appreciate his drawings. This is the reason why keeps drawing; it gives him confidence.
Rex also plays guitar when he was in High School. His friend taught him how to play it. They once joined some contests like ´´ Battle of the bands´´ and they won. He won an award called ´´ Best Bassist´´ , Bass is a guitar with 4 strings.
Rex once said, ´´Everybody is and artist, it just needs practice´´.
These are the drawings and paintings that my dad made.

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