Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Story About Love

by Khaled
I interview my friend Mohamed, he is from Yemen, he lives now in San Francisco, then we talking about his story, I asked him some questions about his story, his story was in his school in San Francisco, his story about love, he was 16 years old when he loved, I asked him can you describe your lover first, he said my lover was so beautiful, her hair was black and her eyes was big and black, she was taller than me. Then I asked him about the most difficult things when he loved. He starts to say the most difficult things when he loved, he said the person who he loved ignore him in the binging. And I ask him about the strong memory when he loved. He side the strong memory when he loved the first time he feels in the love is when he saw his lover. I said can you tell me your lover name, he said he can’t say any names, and he can’t say any more clarification, because his story was difficult. Then I ask him, how was your story, sad or happy or funny, he said his story was sad in the binging and in the end, but between that was very happy, I  said  why  your story was like the, he said in the binging I was very shy I wished to speak to  my  lover but I was very shy, but one day I see my lover then he start to speak to me then we start talking for a few days , then we start to make appointment  after school, we met in Indian restaurant . I ask Mohamed  your meeting was her every day. He said Alost every week. He said those days were very happy, those days were the best days in his life. I ask him, what about the end, how was the end, he said the end was sad, in summer directly after school my family ready to go back home with me, they said I will marry in my country, then I went to my country and I get marry. I ask him do you love your wife. He said yes I love my wife she nice and very smart.

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