Tuesday, April 23, 2013


by akram al akel
     This interview about the war the person in my interview his name is Sadeq Al-akel  he is from Yemen this is old war . this war started in 1996 to 1997.The vases of war is one tribal take the farm from another tribal. This is not the only reason its. The really causes is tribal intolerance when people follow the leader. This  what happened in the tribal wars. Tow big tribal fight for the land. if the war is began sadeq was 35 years old he felt proud of his tribal . The leader said went to war. Sadeq took his gun and went to war. in the war one tribal centralize and on ether tribal come in the cousin 12 in the n the sadeq in the car with many people from his tribal and suddenly the fight is starts close the farm disputed continued until dawn some people wounded in both said  both tribal loss a lot of money and the people is tired they said stoop war we need peas a the munitions almost finish . but the war is rages .this is the hard Bart the most difficult . after that the tribal from sadeq  launched an attack the Sadeq tribal control the land but they they want to control all land from another tribal . Another tribal got angry.They comeback to fight but they loss again. In the end they worked in the peac every tribal take his land

1 comment:

  1. Nice story! I thought it was interesting to learn about the fighting between families in your country. It reminds me of the families fighting in Romeo and Juliet.
