Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Anti- Japanese War

Kathy Li
                I am going to tell you a story about my grandfather’s childhood life during Anti- Japanese War.
                My grandfather’s name is WeiFu Wu. He is 85 years old now. During the war he was 7 years old. He lived in Taishan during that time. When the Japanese army aggressed his village, the villagers were run away to hide in the mountains. My grandfather and his brother were wandering away with their parents. They walked to another mountain to meet their parents. They stayed in mountain almost 3 days. Japanese army found them on 4th day. Japanese took them back to the village. And then, Japanese soldiers came to their house and grab their food. Japanese soldiers shot the people by guns. Japanese army started to do the policy of burn all, kill all, and loot all in the village.
                My grandfather said the Japanese army aggressed died village make the village famine. That made many people died during that during that time. Japanese’s aggressed cause the school step open, student cannot go to school during that time.
                During Anti- Japanese war, there were many people go to the war to fight with the Japanese. One of his cousins is fight in the war. That cousin was go to the Xinjiang and never came back to Taishan. One thing from my grandfather’s childhood memory was when the Japanese aggressed in Sanjia. (A town of Taishan) There were many people fight against to the Japanese army. But the Japanese army was stronger and has more weapons than them. They were quickly defeated by Japanese burning their town. This happened scare the people and made people afraid to fight against.
                Japanese destroyed the cities in China. They killed many people during that time. For example, in 1938 there was the holocaust happen in Nanking. The Japanese killed almost 30 thousand Chinese in Nanking holocaust. The Japanese invasion to China has caused severe damage and loss but they don’t have apology. That’s the story about my grandfather. Thank you for your reading.


  1. That's was a good story, good job Kathy :) by Daniela Arce

  2. The story is good.I learned a lot about the Anti - Japanese War.
    By Mario Zeng
