Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Immigration story

By Rosemary
I interview my cousin. Her name is Isabel Mejia. She is from Guatemala she is 26 years old. I will interview Isabel about her immigration story. She was 20 years old when she immigrated to United States. Her life was difficult because her parents was poor people, also she has to work to help her family because her parents did not got to school because the school was 6 hours there . That’s why they did not have a good job. Her parent’s jobs were selling mangos in the street. Isabel has to work to help her family. Izabela decided to immigrate to United States because she wanted a better life she wanted help her family, also to have more opportunities to help with the economic situation. Something that her country doesn’t have because there was not a lot of work. The strongest memory about Isabel’s family is that even her family was poor always they were together. Her family was humble they was hard worker and its important to Isabel remember her family, also were she came. When Isabel say good bye to her family she felt sad, also it was hard to Isabel lived her family and be separated from the people she love. She lived many years with her family she share many things and bad things they help each other. It was so hard to Isabel immigrated in Mexico because first she traveled by bus and when there was a immigration booths Isabel and her friends have to get out of the bus. And they to walk a lot in the mountain and there was a lot of heat during Isabel walked in the mountain. Her shoes were broken and she walked with out shoes in the mountain, it was son hard for her. There were 15 people in the travel with her they were all from different countries. Isabel crosses the border first when she crossed the brave lake Isabel went in a small boat she felt scared because the boat was small for many people she was in the back of the boat. She was afraid that the boat can sank in the water because in the lake there were crocodiles. She saw crocodiles in the water she traveled on the boat for 10 minutes thanks to god nothing wrong happened. Second Isabel walked by tree nights also one day in the dessert. During she walked in the dessert she saw few people who were die also the human skeletons in the dessert sand. the part that was more difficult to Isabel was cross the dessert because after to nights they loss the food when they ran because the police was following them when they was under a tree they hear a police car they run also they hide in a hole they was tree hours in the hole while the  policemen were. So the police did not find them it was hard for Isabel because they have to walk with out food with out water also  they only slept for two hours in the night and they slept in the dirt and Isabel doesn’t have a coat for the cold. She was scared because she did not know if she is going survive. because it was so dangerous to travel because there was dangerous animals like wolfs and snakes and boars also there was dead people in one moment Isabel thought she is going to die like them , but her friends help her to keep going. When Isabel came to united state she was so happy because everything became well. She felt with a lot of hopeful and that way she can help her family. The year that Isabel came to United States was in 2008

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