Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Love's Journey

By -Lulu Guan

Janice, who is one of my best friends, who owns a seraphic personality and angelic smile. Who is a pretty 19-year-old girl but never falling in love. Who got a special vision about love? She has shared her story to us here.

Love means different things to different people. For some people, love is a partner, to help them get rid of loneliness. Love is a treasure, where people think they could get endless benefits and reputation in order to satisfy their vanity. But in Janice’s mind, love is an attitude; love is like a super power that encourages and pushes people to move forward, to achieve their dreams, to face the difficulties. Love is pure and unconditional but also painful and unforgettable.

However, can you imagine that a girl with a good comprehension of love has never falling in love before? She said it’s because she is a kind of person that is serious about having a relationship. She hasn’t met someone who can make her feels she is whole in his eyes. She hasn’t met someone who she thinks is worthy. But as we all know that during this age, male and female are attracting each other inadvertently. Definitely she would feel lonely sometimes when she see her friends around are doing something sweet. But she expects more in the future; she is still waiting for her Mr. Right.

Love exists everywhere; she gave me a steadfast smile of it. She thinks love not only between the relationship of boys and girls but in every corner. Like feeding a pet, helping a friend, caring your families are all expression of love. There are many researches have shown that distance is one of the main reasons breaking people up. She told me if people are truly in love, no matter how far apart they are, they are in each other’s ‘hearts.

Have you watched Romeo and Juliet before? Romeo and Juliet are falling in love with each other at the first sight. It’s so romantic for most of the girls. People are expecting the love like this but Janice. In her eyes, people can’t get to know each other at the first sight; it’s too risky to start a relationship. However, everything has an exception, Romeo and Juliet’s love is already destined by the god.

Love is sweet but also sore. Sometimes, breaking up is seems like a necessary way of a relationship. Tears and broken heart are the only things left. But we have to move on something better. Something that is more worthy, more real. We can get love from everything around us, it’s not that sad as a single person. “You even can get more freedom” she repeated that proudly.

Love is like a diamond, it shines everyone’s heart. It takes away people’s soul. It gives people happiness also sadness. How much you can get from love depend on how much you pay for it. It’s never too late to start a relationship. Just follow your heart to make every decision. And somehow you will discover the beauty of it; it would be an awesome journey after all.


  1. Really good story, interesting and well composed.

  2. One of the greatest story I've read. It's very meaningful!:)

  3. awww cositaaaa <3

  4. Those story is really good,and I agree this love story,very meaningful:)!
